Kimball-Whitney Cemetery

Downtown Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States


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A little over a week after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, the Church leaders in the pioneer company selected inheritances surrounding the Temple Block. Heber C. Kimball chose the block to the northeast. In addition to the homes that Heber built for his family, he constructed a mill, blacksmith shop, and foundry, all of which were powered by water from nearby City Creek. Barns, gardens, orchards and a family cemetery occupied the rest of the property. Today, only the cemetery, where Heber C. Kimball himself was buried in 1868, remains. Property originally owned by Heber C. Kimball and Newel K. Whitney and set aside as a cemetery in 1848, was the one of the first formally dedicated burial grounds within the Salt Lake Valley. It sits in the middle of the block immediately north of the Church Office Building. Within three years of the Saints’ arrival in the Salt Lake Valley, Brother Whitney was laid to rest in this sacred spot. Eighteen years later, both Heber C. Kimball and his wife Vilate were buried here. The walled Heber C. Kimball property was northeast of Temple Square. Daughters of Utah Pioneers In total, fifty-six family members and friends were laid to rest in the tiny cemetery, the majority in unmarked graves. Of the deaths of Heber and Vilate, Orson F. Whitney wrote: On the 22nd of October, 1867, there was gloom in the household of Heber C. Kimball. On that day died Vilate, the partner of his youth, the noble and unselfish sharer of his life’s joys and sorrows. In the sixty-second year of her age, after [a] . . . life of toil, heroism and self-sacrifice, God called her home to a glorious rest. . . . “I shall not be long after her,” was the sad prophecy that fell from [Heber C. Kimball’s] quivering lips, as he followed the remains of his beloved partner to the tomb. . . . --
Kimball-Whitney Cemetery, Created by Poffenbergerds, Downtown Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States