St Lukes Anglican Church Cemetery - Brownsville

Wollongong, Wollongong City Council, New South Wales, Australia


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St Lukes Anglican Church Cemetery - Brownsville

Wollongong, Wollongong City Council, New South Wales, Australia
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St Luke's Anglican Church Cemetery is nestled behind the original Anglican Church In Brownsville (now used as a small hall) and the "newer" St Luke's Memorial Church in Prince Edward Drive, Brownsville. The two century-old fig trees and well-maintained grounds make this a beautiful area. Although not the first cemetery in the Illawarra, our cemetery contains many early graves of pioneers. The earliest date mentioned is that of Lt. William Frederick Weston who died at West Horsley in 1826. Following his wife's death, a headstone was erected in the cemetery to commemorate them both. The grave of Henry Osborne, in whose memory the church was built, takes pride of place behind the first church. You will also find the graves of George Brown and William Beach who were both influential in our town. George owned an Inn and a windmill for milling wheat, was a farmer and won the contract to build the road between Figtree and Minnamurra. William represented our country in the sport of sculling/rowing.
St Lukes Anglican Church Cemetery - Brownsville, Created by BillionGraves, Wollongong, Wollongong City Council, New South Wales, Australia