Rangiwahia Cemetery

Kimbolton, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand


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Cemetery notes and/or description. Rangiwahia - meaning "cloud piercer", or "piercing the sky" - is the northern most township of the Manawatu. It is situated 6km south of Karewarewa and 53km north east of Feilding.It was first surveyed in 1885, the surveyors setting up camp at a site known as "Peep-O-Day" with spectacular views of Mount Ruapehu - an active volcano that has erupted about 50 times since 1861. In 1892 it took coaches three hours to drive from Kimbolton to Rangiwahia ( a distance of 26km).
Rangiwahia Cemetery, Created by Marijke Bullians, Kimbolton, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand