Woodstock Artists Cemetery

Woodstock, Ulster, New York, United States


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Rising above the Artists Cemetery, Thomas Penning's ten ton sculpture overlooks one of Woodstock's most enduring settings. Officially operated by the Woodstock Memorial Society, the original 80 ft. by 100 ft. plot of land was purchased by John Kingsbury following the tragic death of his son. Later, joined by friends Carl Lindin, James Shotwell, Bruno Zimm and James Stagg, additional land was purchased and, on November 4, 1934, the Woodstock Memorial Society was incorporated. In an effort to preserve the natural beauty of the landscape, the founding members sought to limit traditional symbols of grief. As a result, conventional tombstones and other visual intrusions were prohibited. As is still the case today, graves are marked only by ground-level stones, many crafted from native bluestone. In addition to the Penning sculpture, the only other above ground structure permitted is the memorial that honors the life of Byrdcliffe founder Ralph Whitehead and his family. Unique in its setting and vision, the Artists Cemetery continues to serve as a reminder of Woodstock's countless contributions to the world of art, music, theater and the written word. Richard Heppner Woodstock Town Historian
Woodstock Artists Cemetery, Created by Headstone Hunter, Woodstock, Ulster, New York, United States