Town Farm Lot

Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States


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Cemetery PO019 in Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission Database. This cemetery is located 1635 feet northwest of West Main Road and 80 feet southwest of an access road on the west side of the Ratheon property. Access must be granted by Ratheon. The Portsmouth Ayslym, the town poor farm. When the institution rules were formulated in 1838, the 11th rule included the provision that "All persons dying at the Assylum (sic), his or her relations or friends may have the liberty of burying them at their own expence (sic); but if at the town's expense, they may be buried at the Assylum or elsewhere at the discretion of the Commissioners" (repr. In John T. Pierce, Sr.'s "Historical Tracts of the Town of Portsmouth, Rhode Island," Portsmouth, 1991, p. 60). No transcription known at this time (1998); the 48 names entered in the database come not from gravestones, but from lists of "Inmates died at the Asylum" 1847-1875 in the "Book of Registry for the Portsmouth Asylum" at RIHS. The institution rules make it clear that some of these people may have been buried elsewhere. Two people were buried here from outside the poor farm. An additional three names for a period preceding the RIHS records have been entered on the basis of Benjamin Pearce's coffin records (BP); these show inexpensive coffins for names marked "Town House." In 1975 CETA gave the location as "on Raytheon property on the south side of their buildings," but they did not record the stones. Not found by Ian Kohl 1989.
Town Farm Lot, Created by oba, Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, United States