Siselinna Aleksander Nevski Cemetery

Tallinn, Harju, Estonia


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The Alexander Nevski Cemetery in Tallinn is a cemetery of the Orthodox Cemetery, which is founded in 1775, which nowadays forms part of the cemetery of Tallinn's inner city. The cemetery has been consecrated in the Russian Orthodox Church to the Grand Duchy Alexander Nevski, who is honored as a saint. Alexander Nevsky Cemetery's so -called red chapel. Today, Alexander Nevsky is the oldest used cemetery in Tallinn. The cemetery has an area of 13.01 hectares and several outstanding churches, cultural and social figures are buried. Alexander Nevsky Cemetery, on the 1928 map. Originally used mainly as a military cemetery, which is why there are plenty of 18-19. the graves of the Russian army officers. From 1856 to 1944, the Church of the Alexander Nevsky Cemetery in Tallinn was located in the cemetery, which was destroyed by the Soviet Air Force in the bombing of Tallinn on March 9, 1944. The red brick chapel belonging to the church has been preserved.
Siselinna Aleksander Nevski Cemetery, Created by leonid mendelzon, Tallinn, Harju, Estonia