Sestroretsk Old Jewish Cemetery

Сестрорецк, Курортный район, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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Sestroretsk Old Jewish Cemetery

Сестрорецк, Курортный район, Saint Petersburg, Russia
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old Jewish cemetery, partly vandalized, there still remain some graves dated back to the 1st half of the 20th century and earlier. There is famous Klychko family memorial,that was erected in the memory of Lev Klychko (1855-1913), a doctor-therapist who was the founder of acting sanatorium "Children's dunes" and treated many famous locals. Th Dr. Klychko is mentioned in the memoirs of famous children’s author Korney Chukovsky and the Russian artist Alexandre Benois. Other famous person burried there - Guterman’s family. The founders of sawmill on the river Sister (Moses and Yosel). There father - Baruch Guterman (1824-1898), served a 25-year-long military service in the Artillery Corps and awarded a medal for bravery in combat. He spent the rest of his life fundraising for the local synagogue, helping to construct it while working in trade. In the past few years, volunteers have been trying to restore parts of the cemetery. Signs have been placed around the site, calling family relatives to report to the authorities their claim of the grave. Video about the cemetrey: 1 - 2 - jewish cemetery sestroreck&noreask=1&path=wizard&parent-reqid=1579012286067944-883286018532780870100123-vla1-2448&redircnt=1579012297.1 3 - Articles: Groups devoted to the cemetary: The Bruk family has been collecting evidence and records of known members of the Jewish community in Sestroretsk and trying to reach out to potential family members. Lubov Bruk can be reached in the following address:
Sestroretsk Old Jewish Cemetery, Created by D, Сестрорецк, Курортный район, Saint Petersburg, Russia