Saint Saviour's Parish Church

St. Saviour, Jersey, Jersey


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St Saviour Parish Church has a Cemetry attached to it. It's most famous resident is Lillie Langtry. Its nucleus was the Chapelle de l'Epine, dating back perhaps to the 9th century, stands alone, in a commanding position at nearly the centre of the Island. [Editor's note: Six Rues, St Lawrence, is generally acknowledged today to be the centre of the island, some way distant from St Saviour's Church.] According to the will of Sire Macye Collet (Priest) the parish itself was in old times known as St Sauveur de l'Epine, lending force to the suggestion that the name bore reference to a famous thorn tree, (as at Glastonbury, in Somerset) rather than to the Saviour's crown of thorns. Its lofty crenellated tower has often in times of stress formed a dominating centre of interest. From it have flashed signals in those anxious days of threatened invasion. To it have been despatched messages of success, or calls for aid. Within its precincts, when plague was raging in 1563, the Royal Court of Jersey found a refuge, by permission granted of Hugh Perrin, on whose fief the building stood. Upon its walls are memorials of many noted families, native and French, laid to rest from earliest times. The cure of St Saviour was originally at the nomination of the Archdeacon of Val de Vire (St Lo) in Normandy. When, however, Henry VIII was establishing his cynical title of "Defender of the Faith", its monastic property was confiscated, and the patronage of the churches in this Island was transferred to the Governors.
Saint Saviour's Parish Church, Created by, St. Saviour, Jersey, Jersey