Richview Cemetery, Willow Grove Burying Ground, Union Chapel Cemetery

Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada


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Richview Cemetery, Willow Grove Burying Ground, Union Chapel Cemetery

Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada
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Richview Cemetery, Etobicoke, Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Canada.  The original Etobicoke rural cemetery, Richview, lies now between a busy Highway, 427, & Eglinton Ave West. This cemetery was expanded during the 1970s to include graves which were moved from two other former Etobicoke cemeteries: Willow Grove Burying Ground (which was located at Kipling Avenue and Rexdale Boulevard) & McFarlane Family Burying Ground. Richview Cemetery and Willow Grove Burying Ground is also known as Union Chapel Cemetery, York County, Ontario, Canada. The Wardlaw family gravesites (plot 12.1A) were originally at Wardlaw Cemetery- also at Kipling Ave. and Rexdale Blvd.- reinterred here.  Around 300 people are estimated to be buried in Richview, of which only 90 have markers. Only descendants of those resting there can buy plots. The most recent burial was Victor Kimber, who maintained the grounds for over 40 years before he died in 2005.
Richview Cemetery, Willow Grove Burying Ground, Union Chapel Cemetery, Created by EKSNi, Toronto, Golden Horseshoe, Ontario, Canada