Port Sullivan Cemetery

Branchville, Milam, Texas, United States


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n 1851, Reuben Anderson encouraged development of a townsite on Augustus Sullivan's land; two of Anderson's sons bought the first lots sold in Port Sullivan. The town benefitted from river navigation and grew to include stores, a sawmill, a college, and a population of over one thousand. In 1867, St. Paul's Masonic Lodge No. 177 bought five acres for a community cemetery. One notable burial is that of Thomas J.H. Anderson (d. 1871), Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas. The town declined when bypassed by railroads, and today the cemetery is the only landmark left of this once-thriving settlement. Since 2004, the San Andres Masonic Lodge No. 170 of Cameron has cared for the burial ground. Texas Historical Commission Marker erected 2006
Port Sullivan Cemetery , Created by BillionGraves, Branchville, Milam, Texas, United States