Pauoa Hawaiian Cemetery

Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States


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Pauoa Hawaiian Cemetery A small cemetery also in Pauoa valley right next to Hook Chu Cemetery, coming out of Nu’uanu, by Kuakini. Stone walls encircle the cemetery itself, which makes it resemble a heiau or Hawaiian temple. The front end of the cemetery doubles as a parking lot for the nearby Church. Along the wall there are several graves marked only by blank rocks like those used to construct the walls. Several graves are without headstones, but are lined with either concrete or stone borders. There is a large tree in the center of the graveyard that holds the sign with the name of the graveyard. Most of the marked headstones indicate Hawaiian names, although there are many Haole and Chinese names with Hawaiian Middle or first names. Some Portuguese names, but mostly Hawaiian, or part-Hawaiian names. Oldest observed marked tombstone is 1906. Similar to the next door Hook Chu cemetery, many of the graves here have plumeria trees growing right out of the graves. This practice is much more frequent here as opposed to the neighboring cemetery. Also are Ti plants growing on the sides of the cemetery, and a few in the middle grounds.
Pauoa Hawaiian Cemetery, Created by dkt, Honolulu, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States