Morse Family Cemetery

Walpole, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States


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This is a small family cemetery. It is on top of a small hill in a pine grove. It is surrounded by a graite block wall, that reportedly at one time supported a fence. There are only five people buried in this little cemetery. From Left to right: 1. Jotham Morse, Jr. (1749-1829), 2. his wife, Abigail Gregory (1751-1842), 3. their daughter, Hannah Morse (1785-1829), 4. Comfort Thompson, wife of Jotham, 3rd. and 5. Jotham Morse, 3rd. (1781-1852). This burial ground is owned and maintained by the town of Walpole, it is in poor condition. This little cemetery was originally on the land of Jotham Morse (II), and was established when he died in March 1829. Four stones are slate tablet stones with foot-stones. The fifth stone is a marble tablet, that had fallen over and been reset, it is severely eroded. According to a map dated 1832, there were two houses, across the street from this burial ground, one being owned by John Morse, and the other by his brother, Jotham.
Morse Family Cemetery, Created by Headstone Hunter, Walpole, Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States