Milton Lott Grave

Boone, Boone, Iowa, United States


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Young Mr. Lott's grave is actually on the river side of Leaf Road. GPS Coordinates N42.08571 W93.94035. Milton Lott was the son of Henry Lott a notorious Indian trader. Indians had visited the Lott cabin because Henry Lott had some Indian pony's in his position. The Indian sent the younger Lott out to find his father and he froze to death on the banks of the Des Moines River. His body was discovered by his father and placed in a hollow log until spring when it was buried next to the log in Jan 1847. There is a present day monument at the location of the actual site on the East side of Leaf Road. The event eventually lead to the Spirit Lake Massacre which took place in 1857. Iowa History Net
Milton Lott Grave, Created by BillionGraves, Boone, Boone, Iowa, United States