Mechanic Street Cemetery

Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States


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Also known as: "Old Burying Ground" The original map was laid out in 1825 The lots (family plots) were laid out 18 ft. by 16 ft. and 10 inches Oldest Stones - Thoms Dewey 1648 Abigail Noble 1683 John Root 1687 6 Stones are dated before 1700 Historical Notes Mechanic Street Cemetery contains 1,127 stones covering 897 names (There are more buried in unmarked graves) of these, there are 100 plus graves of Revolutional War Soldiers. There are 51 people buried who lived to 81 years to 90 years of age and 17 people died between the ages of 91 to 99. Hannah, Relict of Paul Noble has the only stone recording 100 years of age There are eight accidental deaths recorded The entrance was moved from Main Street to Mechanic Street with gates built in 1834 If you would like to visit this cemetery, call the office at 572-6263 to get the key The key is also available at the Westfield Library located downtown.
Mechanic Street Cemetery, Created by ct2, Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States