Lubbock Burial Ground, Farnborough

Orpington, Greater London, England, United Kingdom


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This small burial ground is on the woodland path between St Giles Church/Farnborough Village and High Elms Park. High Elms and most of the surrounding area were once owned by the Lubbock Family ......................................................... In 1986 Bromley Council moved 3 memorials from the burial ground into the nearby St Giles Churchyard for safe keeping, including the large Celtic Cross that contained the names of the Lubbock family members buried in the clearing as well as the names of those lost abroad in the Great War ....................................................... The family graveyard originally contained the aeroplane memorial that was lost for many years and is now in the Beeche Garden at High Elms. Full details can be found on the Farnborough Village website. to memorials.pdf
Lubbock Burial Ground, Farnborough, Created by Miss J.B, Orpington, Greater London, England, United Kingdom