Loch Of Kinnordy RSBP

Forfar, Angus, Scotland, United Kingdom


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Loch of Kinnordy is a small loch located just west of town of Kirriemuir in Angus, Scotland, which is an important wildlife habitat. The loch itself is approximately 22 hectares, though this has varied over time with drainage attempts and the silting up of the outflow stream. Including surrounding fen, swamp and mire, 85 hectares are protected as a Ramsar Site.[2] Loch of Kinnordy is a eutrophic loch which supports a number of rare species of wetland plants and migratory birds. There are internationally important numbers of greylag geese, with 1% of the Iceland population over-wintering at the site.[3] Black-headed gulls, pink-footed geese, water rails and whooper swans occur in nationally important numbers, along with otters, red squirrels, butterflies and dragonflies.[4] As well as being recognised as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention,[2] Loch of Kinnordy has been designated a Special Protection Area and Site of Special Scientific Interest.[1] The loch and surrounding area is also maintained as a nature reserve by the RSPB, with a car park, hides overlooking the loch and a bird-feeding station.[4] This is wear Steven Donaldson died there is small mediem breif information of his birth and death date to. GPS 56.672535 -3.043783
Loch Of Kinnordy RSBP , Created by David Johnson , Forfar, Angus, Scotland, United Kingdom