Linden Cemetery

Webster, Sumter, Florida, United States


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Well over 150 years old, this cemetery is located outside the old boundaries of Linden, Sumter County, FL. Billion graves has it listed as being in Webster, FL. This is because postal addresses for Linden were changed to Webster in the 1950s when many small rural locations lost their Post Offices. To find the cemetery, if coming from the West on FL 50, you will find a turn off to the right about 1/4-1/2 mile from the Linden town marker. If coming from the East, when you reach the town marker, turn around and go back to that turn off. County Road 772C is parallel to FL 50 and is often referred to as Old FL 50 or Old Mascotte Road. There is a series of 3 books titled "Ties That Bind" written by descendants of those buried there that are available through the cemetery association. Stephen L. Wade, 25 August 2023. (The author's paternal GGGrandparents, GGrandparents, Grandparents, Parents and hundreds of other relatives are buried at Linden, as will he be when the time comes.)
Linden Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Webster, Sumter, Florida, United States