John Marion Brooks Family Cemetery

Griffin, Spalding, Georgia, United States


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This is the site of Civil War Veteran John Marion Brooks, his 1st wife Rachel Amanda "Mandy" Evans, also of John Marian and his 2nd wife Martha Cotton Manning's children/babies. They are memorialized with one stone with their names on it and then tiny foot stones with each of their initials at each tiny grave. There are also what appears to be 2 or 3 other marked graves to the left of Amanda and John, but only parts of old stones are visible above the soil. This family cemetery is located on private land that is accessed by contacting the owner or going to the neighbors land. Cherokee Rose Gun Club at 895 Baptist Camp Road, Griffin, Ga. Ask at the office to be shown to the cemetery and they are very happy to help if possible. There is a short drive down the target practice trails and a short walk into the woods to reach the fenced in grave sites.
John Marion Brooks Family Cemetery, Created by LisaGilmoreLier, Griffin, Spalding, Georgia, United States