Hartwood Paupers Cemetery

Shotts, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom


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Located within the grounds of what was originally called Hartwood Lunatic Asylum it opened in 1895 with the first burial recorded as taking place on 24th August the same year - this small cemetery was largely forgotten about when the hospital ceased accepting patients and fell into ruin. The last burial was on 11th April 1952. The main building with its beautiful clock tower only enjoyed a short retirement before vandals set fire to it and the ancillary buildings on the site. The cemetery itself was the last resting place for its many residents, with metal markers being placed on the ground showing the lair number but no details of the deceased (these were written up within the hospital's burial records which had been discovered disposed of in an industrial skip). A local charitable society 'Friends of Hartwood Paupers Cemetery' was created to ensure those who were buried here were not forgotten and the group are actively restoring the groundworks and grave markers on site. They hope to ensure this land becomes a welcoming community space with upgraded paths for visitors. Full details of their current projects can be seen on their website and social media feeds.
Hartwood Paupers Cemetery, Created by Buzby, Shotts, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom