Half Moon Cemetery

Jacksonville, Onslow, North Carolina, United States


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Earliest visible headstones suggest this Caucasian cemetery was founded ca.1872. Over 90% of graves are unmarked due to extreme vandalism. Also, based on oral history, this cemetery was much larger then what it is today. There is no proof, to date, to indicate this to be no more then urban legend. Temporary grave markers were put in place by current exclusive caretaker-Jack Robinson. Numerous graves are those of Civil War soldiers. Many of the graves labeled "Unknown" are individuals, for the most part, who passed away prior to requirement of official state-wide death certificates. Remaining unmarked graves are where vandalism decimated headstone or grave markers. This cemetery has easy access from main and secondary road.
Half Moon Cemetery, Created by John Starr, Jacksonville, Onslow, North Carolina, United States