Golden Grove Cemetery

Adelaide, City of Tea Tree Gully, South Australia, Australia


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Address: One Tree Hill Road Golden Grove SA 5126 - Golden Grove Cemetery is situated on the corner of Crouch Road and One Tree Hill Road, opposite the Golden Grove Uniting Church (formerly the Golden Grove Presbyterian Church). Many early pioneers of the area and their descendants are buried in the cemetery. Among them Adam Robertson who conferred the name Golden Grove on the area. After a meeting of settlers in March 1849, Adam Robertson donated an acre of land in the southwest corner of section 5661, Hundred of Yatala “for the purpose of religious worship and secular education”. The Golden Grove School was built on this land and was also used as a Church. Adam Robertson died in 1864 aged 69 years. In that same year, John Robertson son of Adam donated a site for the Golden Grove Presbyterian Church on the northwest corner of section 5458 across from the public cemetery.In 1853 a resolution was passed “that leave be granted to George Logan to bury his child on the ground attached to the school and that portion of ground, say ¼ of an acre be set apart for a general burying place for the use of the people of the neighbourhood”. Messrs. Robertson, Smart and Byers “were empowered to select the spot for the burying ground and to define and regulate the area of the graves”. It was further resolved that, “the graves follow each other in regular succession, space being 9 feet long and width as seems necessary at the time, each grave to be dug at least 6 feet deep and that a path of 4 feet wide be left between each second row and that non-subscribers pay 10/- fee for breaking ground”. Miss E Logan was the first to be interred. The government subsequently set apart ground for a general cemetery in the north-east corner of section 5459. The older part of the cemetery is divided into 9 sections. Section 1 begins at the second row in from the West. The newer section located to the east of the older section is still being used. References: From Settlement to City Ian Auhl.
Golden Grove Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Adelaide, City of Tea Tree Gully, South Australia, Australia