Fort Gordon Cemetery #1- German and Italian POW Cemetery

Fort Gordon, Richmond, Georgia, United States


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Fort Gordon Cemetery #1- German and Italian POW Cemetery

Fort Gordon, Richmond, Georgia, United States
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The Fort Gordon German and Italian POW cemetery contains the remains of 22 World War II era POW's. The cemetery is actually two separate cemeteries with the German POWs interred in one and an Italian POW interred in the other; however, because of a major accountably effort by the US Army in recent years and their close proximity of the cemeteries to each other, they are often classified as one. The Italian and German POW's interred in the grounds died from either accidental or natural causes while housed as prisoners at what was originally called Camp Gordon. They were among the nearly half-million POWs brought to the United States during WWII.
Fort Gordon Cemetery #1- German and Italian POW Cemetery, Created by SamuelTaylorGeer, Fort Gordon, Richmond, Georgia, United States