Ferryland Northside Anglican Cemetery (Fox Hill or Forge Hill)

Ferryland, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada


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Ferryland Northside Anglican Cemetery (Fox Hill or Forge Hill)

Ferryland, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
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This is one of the older cemeteries in Ferryland. It has not been in use since 1903 and was consecrated initially in 1828 but was probably in use at that time for 3 or 4 decades. There appear to be many unmarked graves in this cemetery which were located by a thorough cleaning of overgrowth on July 3 2023. These are in addition to about a dozen marked graves which have legible or partially legible epitaphs and about half a dozen others which have markers which are broken and illegible. Unlike the oldest cemetery in Ferryland, the Old Southside Non Denominational Cemetery, this cemetery was used exclusively by Anglicans.
Ferryland Northside Anglican Cemetery (Fox Hill or Forge Hill), Created by Chris, Ferryland, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada