Douglass Cemetery

Big Rock Township, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States


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Directions to cemetery; Little Rock Pulaski County Arkansas – from I-430 take Arkansas Highway 5/Stagecoach Road West for 4.1 miles. The cemetery is on a small wooded “rise” on the right side of the road, east of the entry to Westwood Apartments. This cemetery is not being maintained and has a broken down chain link fence on the west and north sides, and Arkansas Highway 5 is on the south side. It is approximately 43 meters square with the west side fence running at 430 degrees north. The graves are in the traditional true north/south alignment with the headstone markers on the west end of the grave. There are 35 unmarked depressions, one depression with a slate headstone, one with a sandstone headstone, and three, side by side, each with a flat, ground level, 55 mm square granite stone at the head of each grave. It gives the impression the bases for monuments were set and the monuments never erected. These three graves are near the southwest corner of the cemetery. On the south side, 15 meters east of the southwest corner, is a set of concrete steps that appear to have gone down to the road that was there at the time the cemetery was being used and maintained. Today the bottom step is only half way down the present road bank.
Douglass Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Big Rock Township, Pulaski, Arkansas, United States