Coonabarabran Anglican Cemetery

Coonabarabran, Warrumbungle Shire Council, New South Wales, Australia


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Coonabarabran Anglican Cemetery

Coonabarabran, Warrumbungle Shire Council, New South Wales, Australia
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The Coonabarabran General Cemetery is laid out in three sections. The most westerly section contains Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Jewish and other denominational portions. The eastern portion contains an old and a new Anglican portion. Between the two is separate section of graves of members of the McManus family. All portions of the cemetery are not grassed. Fences have been constructed around each section. The westerly section has a decorative wrought iron gates set on brick columns that appear to date from the mid twentieth century. These contain a plaque with the following inscription: IN MEMORY OF CHARLES WILLIAM and AGNES ISOBEL BRUCE AND THEIR GRANDSON JAMES GORDON BELL BRUCE The entrance Anglican section is marked by stone columns which support tubular framed gates which contain wrought decorative ironwork. Just inside this entrance is a sandstone headstone to Mary Maude Jones who died in November 1864. At the base of this headstone is a plaque indicating that it was washed away from its original position on the River Road by the Castlereagh River in 1950 and subsequently relocated to the Anglican portion of the cemetery in 1999. Source - NSW Heritage
Coonabarabran Anglican Cemetery, Created by d0a5l0e6, Coonabarabran, Warrumbungle Shire Council, New South Wales, Australia