Conwal Cemetery

Ballymacool, County Donegal, Donegal, Ireland


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The cemetery appears to have an old part to the west , and new part to the east. Conwal derives its name from the Irish Cong-Bhaile, which means a habitation, mostly ecclesiastical. It is located west of Letterkenny on the road to Glenties. Conwal was founded by St. Fiachra, who died around 600AD. This ecclesiastical site was first mentioned in the Annals of Ulster for 915AD. The Church stands in ruins today but the graveyard is still in use. One of the finest grave slabs is that of Godfrey O'Donnell dating to 13th Century. Conwal Old Church was described in 1622 as being in ruins. It is 17.5m by 6.5m internally. Fragments of Romanesque stonework and a fine collection of cross slabs survive.
Conwal Cemetery, Created by Mike M, Ballymacool, County Donegal, Donegal, Ireland