Christ Church, Waltham Cross

Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom


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Christ Church is the Anglican Parish Church of Waltham Cross (part of the Cheshunt Team Ministry Group formed in 2008) and the Methodist Church of Cheshunt and Waltham Cross. The Church was built as a daughter Church to St.Mary's Cheshunt in 1833. Originally it was called "Trinity Chapel" and in 1855 it became a separate parish called "Holy Trinity Church". In 1974 a Sharing Agreement was entered into with the Methodist Church and the building was renamed "Christ Church". This was one first LEP (Local Ecumenical Partnership) to be set up. The Anglican Parish is part of the Cheshunt Deanery within the Diocese of St Albans. We are "modern Catholic" in our Liturgy and Tradition. Vestments, incense and ceremonial are used to enhance our worship. The Eucharist is celebrated daily as are the "offices" of Morning and Evening Prayer. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Lady Chapel and home communion for the sick and housebound is ministered by the Team Vicar and team of Lay Eucharistic Ministers. The Methodist Congregation are part of the Herts & Essex Border Ecumenical Area (HAEBEA). The Methodist Minister at Christ Church also has pastoral charge at Hoddesdon Methodist Church.
Christ Church, Waltham Cross, Created by SamuelTaylorGeer, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom