Center Hill Presbyterian Cemetery

Searcy, White, Arkansas, United States


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This cemetery is located at the former site of the old Center Hill Presbyterian Church. There was no building here when the cemetery was listed May 12, 1970, by Cloie and Leister Presley of the White County Historical Society. The husband/wife team reported seeing several unmarked graves. \"The cemetery is well kept,\" they wrote, \"but there are several large clumps of honeysuckle and it is likely that there are some graves under those.\" Tommy H. Treadway of the Historical Society visited the cemetery March 8, 2000, and updated the records based on the stones he saw. He made 78 additions to the Presley list and a few minor adjustments. He reported the cemetery was \"clean\" and noted that burials were being made in a new section on the north side. Historical Society member Leroy Blair visited the cemetery September 12, 2000 and provided information on names that were found on double stones. He also found 29 graves marked only with rocks and other graves that were not marked at all. Additions have been made to the list by the Historical Society periodically from published obituaries.
Center Hill Presbyterian Cemetery, Created by Monica Gee, Searcy, White, Arkansas, United States