Browns Cemetery

Austell, Cobb, Georgia, United States


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Also known as Brown Family Burial Ground and Brown Memorial Cemetery. Entrance to cemetery is off of Austell Road. Brown Memorial Cemetery is located on GA Hwy 5, north of railroad tracks along US Hwy. 78, Austell. Located off Maxim Road (Marietta-Austell Road) near the intersection with Bankhead Hwy, just north of railroad tracks. There is a wooded area in front of a new subdivision with small road leading up to the graves. If you are going toward Marietta, it is on the left. Cemetery is documented in the First 100 Years of Cobb County by Sarah Blackwell Gober Temple. There were appx 20 graves when she made her survey. Three graves marked with only the letter "B"; many field stones in the woods that could be graves. It appears that this cemetery is now being kept and some recent burials are there.
Browns Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Austell, Cobb, Georgia, United States