Beth Sholom Memorial Gardens

Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, United States


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Cemetery was consecrated September 18, 1966 and continues to serve the needs of our synagogue. A \"makom kodesh\" - a holy place - the beautifully maintained Gardens are located off Interstate 40 at Appling Road.\n\nThe cemetery is a locked and gated facility that is wheelchair accessible. The gate code is available by calling the synagogue office (683-3591). Situated on 10 acres, the Gardens have a covered pavilion that comfortably seats 100 guests for services. The grounds and walkways allow easy access to all areas for visitation.\n\nEstablished in accordance with the spirit and letter of Jewish tradition, all graves are of equal size, exemplifying the ideals of dignity and equality before God and mankind, with bronze plaques at ground level. The cemetery is maintained under a perpetual care program with a one-time charge for internment rights. Many families choose to purchase well in advance of need, which relieves them of this burden during an emotionally stressful time.\n\n
Beth Sholom Memorial Gardens, Created by Sister Migut, Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, United States