Ashland Cemetery Soldiers' Lot

Carlisle, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States


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Ashland Cemetery Soldiers' Lot is located in Section D of Ashland Cemetery in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The soldiers buried here were stationed at Carlisle Barracks, one of the oldest military posts in the United States. Initially, the dead from Carlisle Barracks were interred in a post cemetery. In March 1866, the federal government purchased approximately 0.25 acres of land in Ashland Cemetery, and by 1871, the War Department transferred the remains from the post cemetery to the government plot in Ashland Cemetery. Carlisle Barracks has a long history both as a post and as an educational institution. President George Washington met the garrison here in 1794 before journeying to Western Pennsylvania to quash the Whiskey Rebellion. In the first half of the 19th century, the Army established educational programs at Carlisle Barracks, including the School of Cavalry Practice and the School of Horse-Drawn Light Artillery. Major J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry set fire to the barracks during the Civil War, when the Confederate Army invaded Pennsylvania in the Gettysburg Campaign. In 1879, the War Department transferred control of the post to the Department of Interior, which opened the Carlisle Indian Industrial School on the site. Carlisle Barracks returned to the War Department in 1918, which continued to operate educational programs on the campus. The U.S. Army War College, established in Washington, D.C., in 1903, was relocated to Carlisle Barracks in 1951. Today, the Army War College trains the upper ranks of military personnel.
Ashland Cemetery Soldiers' Lot, Created by mormonbuddhist, Carlisle, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States