Amble East Cemetery

Amble, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom


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Two and a half acres made up the burial land, with two imposing chapels linked by a tall spire and a residential property erected there. Built by E & D.M. Spence, Builders and Contractors of Queen Street, Amble, it was consecrated in 1878 and cost in the region of £2,000. The Clerk of Works to the Council occupied the cottage on the site.\n\nHowever within 25 years it became apparent that the East Cemetery was too limited for the ever increasing population and so in 1903 land in the west of the town was purchased for a second cemetery.\n\nGradually the chapels ceased to be used and fell into disrepair- they were demolished for safety reasons in 1971. Over time the whole area took on a rather neglected air despite the main grass area being cut.
Amble East Cemetery, Created by Alan Tully, Amble, Northumberland, England, United Kingdom