Palmdale Cemetery

Palmdale, Los Angeles, California, United States


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*Note, many of the markers in this cemetery are missing or no longer readable because of age and disrepair. There are a lot of old, wooden crosses that may or may not be readable. * Historic, 20 acre cemetery located at 20th Street East, just north of Avenue S. The land was donated to the Zion Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran church by the Jonas family, early area settlers. The cemetery came about when the area was known as Palmenthal (Palm Valley). It has headstones and markers that bear the names of some of the early church members such as Rathke, Nagel, Ritter; Munz and Jonas. The cemetery continued to be used by other area settlers even after the town of Palmenthal failed, but gradually fell into disrepair. It was closed in 1979 due to incomplete records. In 1981 it was reopened when the Palmdale Kiwanis accepted responsibility to keep accurate records. But again the cemetery was closed and it remains closed as of this writing. It is now under the management of the City of Palmdale. Public access is through a pedestrian gate on the south side, accessed via dirt road and a deteriorating paved area from Ave S.
Palmdale Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Palmdale, Los Angeles, California, United States