John Howland

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    Burial Hill Cemetery

    34 Russell St
    Plymouth Massachusetts 02360
    United States

    John Howland

    Born: 1592
    Died: 23 February 1673
    Age: 81 Years
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    People Listed
    Elizabeth Tilley, Wife
    Lieutenant John Howland, Child
    Captain Joseph Howland, Child
    Lieutenant Jabez Howland, Child
    Ensign Isaac Howland, Child
    Desire Howland Gorham, Daughter
    Hope Howland Chipman, Child
    Elizabeth Howland Hicks Dickenson, Child
    Lydia Howland Brown, Child
    Hannah Howland Bosworth, Child
    Ruth Howland Cushman, Child

    Here ended the Pilgrimage of John Howland who died February 23, 1673 aged above 80 years. He married Elizabeth daughter of John Tilley who came with him in the Mayflower December 1620 From them are descended numerous posterity.

    "He was a godly man and an ancient professor in the ways of Christ. He was one of the first comers into this land and was the last man that was left of those that came over in the ship called the Mayflower that lived in Plymouth." , Here ended the Pilgrimage of... "Hee was a godly man and an ancient professor in the wayes of Christ. Hee was one of the first comers into this land and was the last man that was left of those that came over in the Shipp called the Mayflower that lived in Plymouth." Plymouth Records


    His wife and children, although with a memorial in the cemetery, are buried elsewhere.

    Additional data from member contributors record for John Howland (1592 - 23 February 1673), BillionGraves Record Burial Hill Cemetery, Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States, North America