Starý židovský hřbitov (s klausovou synagogou) Praha-Staré Město (Jewish)

Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czech Republic


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Starý židovský hřbitov (s klausovou synagogou) Praha-Staré Město (Jewish)

Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
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Descriptioný_židovský_hřbitov_v_Praze-Josefově *** Pinkasova synagoga není oficiálně součástí areálu hřbitova. *** The Old Jewish Cemetery is among the oldest surviving Jewish burial grounds in the world and along with the Old-New Synagogue, it is the most important site in the Prague Jewish Town. The National Geographic magazine lists it among the top ten cemeteries to visit around the world. It was founded in the first half of the 15th century. The earliest tombstone dates back to 1439; the last burial took place 348 years later. Although the cemetery was expanded several times over the centuries, it was still not big enough to meet the needs of the Jewish Town. As space was scarce, bodies were buried on top of each other, with graves layered up to 10 deep. There are about 12,000 tombstones in the cemetery, many decorated with animal and plant motifs. The most important figures buried here: the scholar and teacher, Rabbi Judah Loew Ben Bezalel, known as the Maharal (d. 1609) the scholar and poet Avigdor Kara (d. 1439) the founder of the Pinkas Synagogue, Aaron Meshulam Horowitz (d. 1545) the mayor and developer of the Prague Jewish Town, Mordecai Maisel (d. 1601) the Renaissance scholar, historian, mathematicians and astronomer, David Gans (d. 1613) the collector of Hebrew manuscripts and books, Rabbi David Oppenheim (d. 1736)
Starý židovský hřbitov (s klausovou synagogou) Praha-Staré Město (Jewish), Created by sk, Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czech Republic