Woodhill (Veresdale) Cemetery

Woodhill, Queensland, Australia


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Woodhill Cemetery covers an area of about one hectare. It is well fenced and the grounds are well maintained. A feature of the cemetery is an attractive lytch gate that was erected by F W Wilbraham in 1935 (see image above). It provides bench seating and tank water. The vehicle entrance is at the western end of the cemetery. In recent years, a lawn section has been added and a columbarium erected in the grounds, the latter as yet little used. Information published by Logan City Council on its website, states that Woodhill Cemetery was gazetted on 26 April 1879, although was called the Veresdale Cemetery at the time. Trustees included William Tuton Walker, Verdon Hinchcliffe, John Hopkins, Archibald Auld, John Waters, David Ferguson and George Smith. Several of these pioneers are buried in the cemetery they administered.
Woodhill (Veresdale) Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Woodhill, Queensland, Australia