Wood Family Cemetery

Winchester, Frederick, Virginia, United States


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In 1738 Colonel James Wood, who later founded Winchester Virginia, built a log and stone home which he called Glen Burnie. This was replaced in 1794 with the present day brick building, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, by his son Robert Wood. Colonel Wood died in 1759 and is buried behind the estate in a cemetery that contains almost exclusively Wood descendents. During the Civil War, Union soldiers pulled up all the headstones and tossed the over the grounds. In 1952 the last Wood descendent to live in Glen Burnie, Julian Wood Glass Jr, inherited the property. He soon set out improving the house and gardens, including erecting a stone wall about the cemetery in place of the old black iron fence. R. Lee Taylor, working with Glass, restored and reset the stones in the cemetery in the early 1960s. Not knowing where each family member lay, Mr. Taylor simply lined up the stones as best he could without disturbing the remains buried there. Glen Burnie is now own and is part of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley.
Wood Family Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Winchester, Frederick, Virginia, United States