Willis Cemetery at Woodland

4, Orange, Virginia, United States


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This cemetery is now part of the Meadows farm Golf Course of Locust Grove, Orange Virginia. This was the homestead of Larkin Willis Sr. 1801- 1856. \n\nWhen Larkin Willis was born on February 26, 1801, in Orange County, Virginia, his father, Isaac, was 26 and his mother, Anne, was 23. He married Sarah Emily Fry and they had one son together. He then married Mary Gordon and they had 19 children together. He died on February 21, 1856, in Orange County, Virginia, at the age of 54, and was buried there.\n\nLarkin had 10 sons that served in the CSA. Nine of his sons servived the war. \n\nThere are least nine Willis and Gordon tombstones here, but many of the graves are only marked with field stones. The home still stands on the next hillside that overlooks the cemetery. The home was used by both sides during the Civil War as a hospital.\n\nThere 12 graves listed on Find-A-Grave that called the Willis Cemetery. There are many Willis Cemeteries but the farm was know as Woodland and there is a small metal sign that states that it is wookland.
Willis Cemetery at Woodland, Created by tmyers22553, 4, Orange, Virginia, United States