Helensburgh - Waterfall Garrawarra Cemetery *

Helensburgh, New South Wales, Australia


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Address: off Princes Highway Waterfall NSW 2233
Latitude: -34.175836
Longitude: 150.970505
GPS: 34 10.55008, 150 58.23029
Extremely overgrown and not marked. would not recomend for elderly to access without assistance due to the amount of fallen trees and holes etc. very peaceful place, rarely visited by anyone As you can see by the map it is located in the bush, it was a graveyard mostly for victims of TB Go to http://haveyoursaywollongong.com.au/waterfall-general-garrawarra-cemetery to view a pdf record of the burial register and photos of headstones http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/4746612/after-50-years-legal-access-planned-for-lost-waterfall-cemetery
Helensburgh - Waterfall Garrawarra Cemetery *, Created by BillionGraves, Helensburgh, New South Wales, Australia