Raadi Cemetery

Tartu, Tartu, Estonia


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The Raadi cemetery consists of the cemeteries of several different congregations historically. In 1961, the church cemeteries were given a joint name by "The Executive Committee of the People's Deputies of Tartu" decision of the city of Tartu - Raadi Cemetery. The largest part of the territory is the Mary and Peetri Cemetery of Mary and Peter. (However, the cemeteries of Old Peetri and New Peetri are located on Puiestee Street, later established and are not parts of the Raadi cemetery.) A lot of cultural figures and scientists are in the Old Jaani cemetery, as well as in the younger university cemetery. Above the main gate of the cemetery is the letter "Out of the Lord of the Lord." The ebony alley in the military cemetery is under nature protection.
Raadi Cemetery, Created by lesabgunn, Tartu, Tartu, Estonia