Tamlaght Finlagan Old Church, Limavady

Limavady, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom


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Tamlaght Finlagan Old Church, Limavady

Limavady, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
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A few miles from Ballykelly on the Tully Road rising towards Limavady, you will find Tamlaght Finlagan Old Parish Church. It has long since been in ruins and there may have been a religious site here from 585AD. This was an abbey and it is believed that Findluganus was the first abbot. Tamlaght Finlagan means "the plague monument of Findluganus". The abbey became a parish Church at some stage and the parish is mentioned in old records in 1291 but by 1622 the Chruch was in ruins. Its successor was built a few miles away on the Walworth Estate by The London Company of Fishmongers. These days the Church is rarely visited and lies tucked away behind a metal gate and a screen of trees. It is a peaceful place and one of the gable walls still stands as testament to its function as a place of worship. All around it are graves both ancient and modern and the Church site, which is open to the public, is a tranquil spot to spend a while and contemplate the feet who have walked here before you over the centuries and the stories they could tell.
Tamlaght Finlagan Old Church, Limavady, Created by Ccornwall, Limavady, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom