Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Cemetery - Chicago

Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States


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St.Nicholas UKRAINIAN Cemetery inscriptions are 99% in UKRAINIAN or English! Older gravesites have inscriptions in the old Rusyn aka Ruthenian Cyrillic text, ALL of which are NOT Russian! As they include letters like "i" and others eliminated from Russian alphabet back in 1918. Please transcribe using Ukrainian only. Please also, do NOT translate, NOR transliterate ANY monuments from the language used for the inscription on the headstone! Transcribe them ONLY using a Ukrainian keyboard (do NOT use a Russian keyboard NOR an English one) and as per BG, only enter inscription information EXACTLY as written in Ukrainian or English on the monument. If a monument is in English, then transcribe in English! Do NOT translate, etc. into Ukrainian, and definitely NOT into Russian! If you cannot read, write, or understand Ukrainian without using a translator, then PLEASE do NOT work in this cemetery! These are someone's loved ones... Also... Please do NOT assume anything... NOT all adjacent burials are spouses, as they can be siblings, etc. Thank You for your understanding and cooperation!
Saint Nicholas Ukrainian Cemetery - Chicago, Created by BillionGraves, Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States