Saint Andrew's United Church Cemetery

Rexton, Richibucto, New Brunswick, Canada


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St. Andrew’s church and cemetery stand on the north shore of the Richibucto River, small town of Rexton, New Brunswick, Canada. The current church is the third to be built on this site. The first was near the south gate of the old cemetery. The second sat approximately 50 yards closer to the river than the present building. The present church was constructed in 1859. St. Andrew’s United Church Cemetery is designated a Local Historic Place, being the burial site for many who contributed to the founding and development of Rexton: early settlers, prominent business owners, politicians, sea captains and their descendents. Their names include Graham, Jardine, McLeod, Brait, Law, Bowser, Lawson, Ferguson, and Doherty. Symbols on some of the early grave markers depict the career of the deceased. The choice and grandeur of the grave markers--coloured granite, sculptured and carved, standing several feet high--indicate wealth among several of the Protestant Rexton families in the 1800’s. - William Marshall has the earliest stone, dated 1819; - earliest recorded burial, 1812; Adapted from: and
Saint Andrew's United Church Cemetery, Created by v0rtex2o14, Rexton, Richibucto, New Brunswick, Canada