Rookwood Necropolis: Garden of Remembrance

Sydney, Cumberland City Council, New South Wales, Australia


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Rookwood Necropolis: Garden of Remembrance

Sydney, Cumberland City Council, New South Wales, Australia
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The NSW Garden of Remembrance was constructed adjacent to the Sydney War Cemetery, within the Rookwood Necropolis, in the early 1960s. The Garden was expanded several times and in the late 1980s was completely redeveloped. The new Garden was opened by the then Minister for Veterans' Affairs, the Hon Ben Humphreys, MP, on 18 October 1991. The NSW Garden of Remembrance has a plaque capacity of 100,000 and has recently undergone structural works to provide more commemorative wall space. There are currently over 73,500 plaques displayed. The central archway of the main entrance building houses the register books which list the wall and panel number of each individual plaque. The central pathway between the walls leads to a circular lower bed which contains a red granite stone and commemorative plaque. The path continues to a fountain which cascades into a gently flowing race of river stones which encircle a steel belvedere. To the rear of the belvedere is an arbour, in which a plaque recording the opening of the redeveloped garden is located. To the left, lies the contemplation area and to the right a small summer house. Throughout spring, summer and autumn the gardens bloom with roses and rosemary, flowers symbolising remembrance. The individual details of commemorations within the NSW Garden of Remembrance complement the other 243,000 commemorations maintained by the Office of Australian War Graves in 72 war cemeteries and plots, nine other Gardens of Remembrance and interments in 2,000 locations.
Rookwood Necropolis: Garden of Remembrance, Created by AYoung, Sydney, Cumberland City Council, New South Wales, Australia