Pärnamäe Cemetery

Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Harju County, Estonia


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Work on the construction of the cemetery in the area of the wasteland IRA (55 hectares) began in 1961. The forces of the cemetery’s workers next year built a household building, launching paths and blocking quarters began. The first burial was carried out on November 27, 1963. For ritual purposes, the old chapel of the Irusk parish, built in 1936, was used, in 1975 the construction of a new chapel began. In 1978, a new territory was connected to the cemetery in the direction of Randwehr, the cemetery area increased to 102 hectares. In 1992, the chapel was rebuilt under the crematorium.
Pärnamäe Cemetery, Created by lesabgunn, Tallinn, Tallinna linn, Harju County, Estonia