Old Reefton (Pioneer) Cemetery

Reefton, Buller, West Coast, New Zealand


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In 1981 the Inangahua County Council decided to tidy up the Pioneer cemetery on Buller Road. A few of the more prominent memorials were re-erected on the northern boundary of the property and the rest were carted away and dumped. Some are still in a heap at the Reefton dump. Others were used as land fill and a portion of at least one was used as a garden ornament. The section was levelled using fill from the newly constructed College Swimming Pool and in succeeding years council staff mow and maintain the property. In an effort to redress the loss of such a splendid historical source Dom O'Sullivan spent many hours listing the names of those that he could verify are buried on the property. With the assistance of the Reefton Community Board, the Reefton RSA, and a grant from Buller District Council a stainless steel plate has been engraved recording 272 known burials. Oceana Gold Ltd provided a huge piece of quartz from their Globe Mine and Reefton Crane Hire moved it to the site. The plaque was officially unveiled on October 4th 2009. Of course this old cemetery has been closed to interments for many, many years.
Old Reefton (Pioneer) Cemetery, Created by Claire, Reefton, Buller, West Coast, New Zealand