Nick Davis Cemetery

Toney, Limestone, Alabama, United States


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Nicholas Davis Born April 23 1781 in Hanover Co Virginia, married there to Martha Hargrave of a wealthy Quaker family. He served as US Marshall and in other positions. Moved to Kentucky in 1808. Was a Captain in teh War of 1812 and became a politacla and personal ally of Henry Clay. He Settled here on several hundred acres and build his large log home "Walnut Grove" in 1817 Her he entertained a large numbers of guests for days at a time. Races his blooded horses and lived the life of a much admired country gentleman. He was a framer of Alabama's first constitution. was twice a candidate for Governor on the Wig ticket, and served as Presides of the Alabama Senate for 5 terms. He died on September 29 1856 and is buried here at his beloved "Walnut Grove" The "Walnut Grove" was destroyed in the record breaking tornado break out of April 27th 2011 I did visit the site with my children several years before I did take pictures so when I find them I will up load them.
Nick Davis Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Toney, Limestone, Alabama, United States