(New) New Garden Cemetery & Montgomery Cemetery

Elkmont, Limestone, Alabama, United States


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There are three cemeteries located here. There is the original New Garden Cemetery, which is now called the Old Section New Garden Cemetery, which is unfortunately in sad sad shape. Then the Montgomery Cemetery, which was more of a family plot across the meadow in the NE area. Quoted from Linda Smith "NE quarter, sect. 4, T@S, R4W in a wooded area behind the New Garden Cemetery. We located several sections of a box tomb but could not find any inscription. It appeared to be that of a child. James G and Mary Montgomery." Then there is The Newer New Garden Cemetery. There is no official Montgomery Cemetery sign or gate, the entire cemetery is called the New Garden Cemetery. I did photograph the old section. It is located on a rocky hill and very over grown with Alabama weeds, and poison ivy. I started by going around the edge and worked my way to the center and actually fell through some weeds into a grave box that had been covered by weeds, not a tombstone. I did't proceed any further into the center of the cemetery not wanting to damage any else. I will up load a table of everything I have from the Book Tombstone inscriptions of Limestone County Alabama compiled by Linda H Smith.
(New) New Garden Cemetery & Montgomery Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Elkmont, Limestone, Alabama, United States