Fourr Cemetery

Gila Bend, Maricopa, Arizona, United States


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Twenty-something years after the Oatman Massacre, William and Lucinda Fourr, and their family settled in the area., where William ranched and served as agent at the Butterfield Stage stop. Of the six children they had between their marriage in 1868, and when they left in the area in 1880, four died here. The Fouur Cemetery is where the children are buried: Seven year old A.F., month old F.F. -- on the same sad date in January, 1877 -- and an unnamed baby, still born. (I'm not sure about the fourth child.) The Fourrs eventually had eight children who survived to adulthood, with William living until 1934, and Lucinda 1942. Stanley Heisey, a Life scout of Troop 263, has installed a bench, a log book, and otherwise restored the site.
Fourr Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Gila Bend, Maricopa, Arizona, United States