Mount Thabor Cemetery

Woodstock, McHenry, Illinois, United States


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The property was first owned by early McHenry County settlers, Owen and Catherine Dyer. In 1846, Owen Dyer deeded one acre of his land to the Catholic Church for $1. A small log cabin sat in the middle of the cemetery, and served as a place of worship. The church was referred to as the “Little Church in the Bush.” The only remaining reminder of the Church is a large cross, erected (at an unknown date) in the middle of the cemetery. In 1965, the cemetery was vandalized and many of the century-old headstones were smashed and broken. The cemetery is no longer in use. Although it did serve as a baby burial site in the 1960’s, most interments occurred prior to 1890. ~source:
Mount Thabor Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Woodstock, McHenry, Illinois, United States